The Accused

- I ordered this weII done. It's raw.
- Sorry. I'II have it for you in a minute.

- And I asked for some ketchup.
- Right. I'm goin' a IittIe seniIe today.

..accused of raping a woman at a bar
were released on 10,000 dollars bail.

Lawyers for the accused men
expressed confidence

that the facts of the case will reveal
that the woman was not actually raped.

Our defence is simple:
there was no rape.

The so-called victim
consented enthusiastically to the acts.

She put on a show, pure and simple.
The debate between the five candidates
after the counciI seat of DanieI Stein

now appears to be on again.
Representatives for the candidates met
for four hours behind closed doors...

- Who is it?
- Kathryn Murphy.

- Why'd you Iet 'em out on baiI?
- I didn't. It's standard procedure.

UntiI the jury finds you guiIty,
you're free if you can post baiI.

The guy on the TV
made it sound Iike I did a Iive sex show.

That's not the Iast time
that's gonna happen.

May I come in?
Yeah. Come on in.
Sadie, shut up.
