The Accused

Can you describe it?
A scorpion. One guy had a scorpion.
How many drinks
would you say she'd had?

I don't know. She was pretty Ioaded.
She'd just had this big fight with Larry -
the guy she Iives with.

She just needed to cooI out a IittIe.
What do you know about Larry?
Not much. Except he's an asshole.
He says he's a musician
but he's just a dealer.

He rides a motorcycle.
Come on, man. Gimme a break.
These guys are my bread and butter.

You sure you didn't see anyone else?
Some kid I never seen before pIayed
one of the video machines aII night.

- Who was with him?
- Nobody I saw.

Jesse, I'm gonna phone
the state Iiquor authority

and tell 'em how you kept servin' booze
while a violent felony was
committed in your back room.

- Ready?
- Yes. Thanks, Jesse. We'II taIk.

I need these by 11. See you tomorrow.
Is he free?
- Game time. Let's go.
- I know. Just a second.

I reaIIy don't beIieve this.
- Tina, where the hell are the tickets?
- You gave 'em to me to hold.

- How are you doing on Tobias?
- We'II taIk about it at the game.

Tina, if Charley calls,
I'll be home after 11.

Ref, cross-checking!
Open your eyes, will ya?

Take him out, Donovan!
- Play hockey.
- Did you see that?

