The Accused

- A deaI with what?
- You got enough. Go for rape two.

Any felony, as long as it's a violent one.
Assault, coercion,
reckless endangerment, menacing...

- I can't do that.
- You said she was raped.

So make a deaI and put 'em away.
I don't care if they onIy get six months.
Just make a deaI and put 'em away.

Do you understand, Mr Polito, that
you'll be testifying before a grand jury?

Yeah, I got that.
And you'II be testifying
against peopIe you're acquainted with?

Mr Polito, have I or anyone in the
sheriff's department or the DA's office

offered you any inducement to testify?
Money, gifts, anything?
- No.
- Thank you, Mr Polito.

Well, he's just a taste.
The bar was filled with witnesses.

We anticipate that they'II aII
testify for The PeopIe.

Anticipate? A hundred says
you'II have to drag 'em into court.

And they'II be useIess
cos they were too drunk.

Whatever you say.
Keep in mind that we don't need
corroboration to prove rape.

And we do have medicaI evidence:
no doubt about penetration.

And physicaI evidence:
no doubt about force.

- What will you take?
- Rape one.

We were thinking more
in the Iine of sexuaI abuse two.

Rape one. Maybe I couId convince the
judge not to give them the maximum.

I'd rather go to triaI.
By the way, no separate deals.
One goes to trial, all go to trial.
What would you say to
sexual abuse one?

- I'd say rape one.
- Cut the crap. PoIito Iooks Iike shit.

You don't have anybody better.
And your complaining witness?
She walked into a bar,
got loaded and stoned,
