The Accused

"..or otherwise attempts to persuade
another person to commit a felony."

I know about criminal solicitation.

But in this case it simply doesn't apply.
It's not the intent of the statute.

Listen again. "A person is guilty
of criminal solicitation

if he commands, induces, entreats
or otherwise attempts to persuade
another person to commit a felony."

You can read it to me
till you're blue in the face.

I am not gonna Iet you prosecute
a bunch of spectators.

They're not spectators.
They solicited the rape.

Do you really want to ask a jury
to Iock up a bunch of peopIe
for cIapping and cheering?

Clapping, cheering, pushing, goading.
Getting the rape going
and keeping it going.

What happens if you Iose?
You'II Iook Iike an incompetent.

If you win,
you'II Iook Iike a vengefuI bitch.

Either way,
you hurt yourself and this office.

Now drop it.
You've got more important things to do.

No, I haven't.
You haven't got more important things
to do than go to triaI with a sure Ioser?

What the hell has gotten into you?
- We owe her.
- Owe her what?

We put the rapists away.
I owe her.
I see. You want to spend my money
to put a bunch of spectators on triaI -
