The Accused

Sarah? I'd Iike to taIk to you.
May I come in?

We got nothin' to talk about.
- Yes, we...
- Get outta here.

Who the hell do you think you are?
- I have to taIk to you.
- Get out of my house.

Will you listen to me, please?
I'm Iistenin'.
Sarah, I made a mistake.
Before I made the deaI,
I shouId have offered you the choice
of going to triaI and testifying.

I can offer that to you now.
I've found a way for you to go into court
and testify that you were raped.

- The case is over.
- The rape case, sure.

You made sure of that, didn't you?
I want to prosecute the others.
The ones who cheered and cIapped.

- The ones who made it happen.
- So you can make another deaI?

No. I'm not gonna make any more deaIs.
If I prosecute the others, the rapists
wiII stay in jaiI for the fuII five years.

And the rape will go on record.
The deaI won't matter
because the rape wiII go on record.

You really wanna do that?
Only if you help me.
I need you to testify.
I get to teII my story?
Are you alone now?
Yeah. I kicked him out.
While I was laid up, he came back
to pick up all of his stuff.

What's his is his, what's mine is his.
Thank God he Ieft me the radio.
Anything I can do?
