The Accused

A few. Maybe three.
I've seen her drink a Iot more than that.
She needed to get Ioose cos she'd just
had this big fight with her oId man.

And she goes "I'm so pissed at him."
You know?

Cos she's sure
he's runnin' around on her.

You mean sleeping around?
Right. Which I bet he is.
So we were sitting in a booth
just sort of talking...

There were these two
fraternity guys there,

and Sarah Iooks at one of 'em - Bob.
She goes "He's cute. Who's he?"
- So we started jokin' around.
- What do you mean?

You know.
Like, how could she get back at Larry?

Should she take this guy home
and just do it right in front of him?

- You said she should take Bob home...
- No, she said it.

She didn't mean it.
She was just jokin' around.

She'd had a few drinks.
God, she didn't mean it.
- I'II wait for you downstairs.
- Wait a minute.

- I want to taIk to you.
- What's goin' on?

- I warned you: no secrets.
- I didn't keep any secrets from you.

She told me what you said in the bar
when you met Bob. Do you remember?
