The Dead Pool

You're out of sync, Johnny.
What's the problem?

Where is that fool?
We've had a short, Peter.
"Trust me," you said. Right?
Did he say that?

That means "fuck you"
in this business.

I checked it. I've got a backup head.
Give me 20 minutes.

All right, do it.
And no cock-ups.

And that goes for the rest
of you morons.

This sucks, man.
How can I sing
with shit exploding all over?

- It was an accident.
- This whole movie's an accident.

How did I get talked into this shit?
You need a video.
I need this scene for the film.

We're getting what we want.
Why aren't we shooting on a warm
sound stage, instead of a meat locker?

It's cold so the audience
can see your breath when you sing.

Not original, but people
will know I froze my ass off.

What's that mean?
A director with talent would
shoot something original.

Instead of ripping off
The Exorcist.

This is not a rip-off,
it's a homage. You stupid...

Jesus, I don't believe you.
You're hurting, aren't you?
What do you mean?
You promised not during shooting.
I know what I'm doing.
I can handle it.

- You won't fuck up my film!
- I'll handle it!

Just let me go back to the trailer
and get it together.

Then we'll kick some ass.
- Okay?
- Okay.

- Can I get a coat?
- Get a coat, please, for Johnny.

- Now what?
- Don't worry, he's a trained seal.
