The Last Temptation of Christ

You won't have to worry
because we'll all be dead.

We're setting up a new government,
building a new Jerusalem.

We can ask for anything we want.
First, I'd like more sheep.
You know, my other sheep,
I don't even know where they are now.

This time I want a large herd, and I'll get
other shepherds to care for them.

I would just like to be able
to worship in the temple.

I mean really worship,
without Roman banners and soldiers.

That's what I'd like.
Of course. But what else?
I'll do anything the Master asks,
anything but get crucified.

-You're a coward, Thomas.
-Yes, I am.

You know why?
Have you ever seen anyone
on a cross after two days?

You know what they look like?
They don't even have eyes.
The crows come and suck out your eyes.

And after that, you know what?
Dogs come and rip your feet off.

Don't talk that way.
I've made my decision. You make yours.
And if you can't, then get out now
before we get to Jerusalem.

I'm ready. I have my knife.
Master, I've been talking with the others
and listening and....

Some of them wanted me to ask you:
Will there be angels there to meet us?
Or anyone besides who's here?
King of the Jews!
King of the Jews!
