The Last Temptation of Christ

Then he was tortured and crucified.
But three days later
he rose up from the dead...

...and went up to heaven.
Death was conquered!
Do you understand what that means?
He conquered death.
All of our sins were forgiven...
...and now the world of God
is open to every one of us.

To everybody!
Did you ever see this Jesus of Nazareth
after he came back from the dead?

I mean, with your own eyes?
No, but I saw a light that blinded me
and I heard his voice.

-You're a liar.
-His disciples saw him.

They were hiding in an attic,
the doors locked, and he appeared to them.

He's a liar!
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute, I want to talk to you.
I was never crucified. I never came back
from the dead. I'm a man.

Why are you telling these lies?
What are you talking about?
I'm the son of Mary and Joseph.
I'm the one who preached in Galilee.

I had followers, we marched on Jerusalem.
Pilate condemned me and God saved me.

No, he didn't.
Who are you talking about? Don't try
to tell me what happened, because I know.

I live like a man now.
I work, eat, have children.

I enjoy my life. For the first time,
I'm enjoying it. Do you understand me?

So don't go around telling lies about me,
or I'll tell everybody the truth!

Wait just a minute.
What's the matter with you?

Look around you. Look at all these people.
Look at their faces.

Do you see how unhappy they are?
Do you see how they're suffering?

Their only hope is the resurrected Jesus.
I don't care whether you're Jesus or not.
