The Seventh Sign

The baby`s fine. He`s hanging in there.
lf this is just an episode,
she can go home in a couple of days.

Will you be able to stay with her?
-Not all the time.
-Then we should get you a nurse to help.

And l think you should go home now
and get some serious rest.

Of course, God will judge the world.
-Could it be happening now?
-lt could happen any time.

Jesus said the end would come
like a thief in the night.

That belief is fundamental
to every religion.

Moslem, Christian, Jew, Hindu.
There are differences amongst them
as to how it will actually happen...

...but we all believe in a Messiah
who delivers God`s wrath...

...upon the world.
Then it could be happening.
The moon has turned to blood.

l told you about the paper and the fish.
Yes. ln Revelation,
it is written that the sea will die.

-Then you do see it?
-With perfect clarity.

l see a young man
with a very large imagination.

What you`re forgetting is that
the prophetic signs are signs.

They`re symbols.
They`re not meant to be taken literally.

They`re poetry written to describe
the concept of greater divine judgement...

...not to be checked off like a laundry list.
So the moon and the fish?
Coincidence. You`re forgetting
the most important aspect of eschatology.

That when the end comes,
with it comes eternal life...

...for those of us who are saved.
Well, who`ll be saved, Reverend?
The Jew doesn`t think
it will be the Moslem.

The Moslem doesn`t think
it will be the Christian.

The Christian doesn`t think
it will be the Buddhist.

What if nobody is saved?
What if we`re all wrong?

My God. What if it`s just
the Hare Krishnas?
