The Thin Blue Line

I'd run away from home a couple
of times. Once or twice. I don't know.

And this all started,
David is running away from home.

And he takes... I took
a pistol of my dad's and a shotgun.

Took a neighbor's car.
I had broken into their house
and got the keys to it.

I forget exactly what it was.
Ended up coming to Dallas.
I went to work and no one showed up.
Being a weekend, sometimes
they worked, sometimes they didn't.

On the way home, I ran out of gas.
And as I was walking down the street
with the gas can...

a person, at that time, pulled over.
I guess since I had the gas can...
he figured I was out of gas.
I wasn't 100 yards from the car.

And being Thanksgiving weekend,
there was no gas stations open.

He stopped and asked me
if I needed any help.

I'm driving down some street
somewhere in Dallas.

I had just turned 16.
And there was a guy over there,
I think he'd run out of gas...

I took him to get some gas.
This was Randall Adams.

Ended up following him where
him and his brother were staying.

Eventually, that evening...
we went out and got some beer.
We smoked a little marijuana
and what have you.

Went to a movie that night.
I get up, I go to work on Saturday.
Why did I meet this kid? I don't know.
Why did I run out of gas at that time?
I don't know. But it happened.
