The Thin Blue Line

We want a victory, and we're gonna get it.
I didn't really care for the second feature...
which is an R-rated, cheerleader-type thing.
I don't know what it was.
May I have some wine?
It's good, Ross.
I didn't know you could cook.

It is good, isn't it?
You got to try my celery rémoulade.
I told him I wanted to leave.
"I don't really care
to sit here and watch this. Let's go."

He's acting strange, he wanted
to watch the end. Anyway, we left.

We drove back towards Dallas
and we drove to the motel.

There's a little store.
I bought a pack of cigarettes...

and a newspaper.
And when I left,
this kid was still sitting there.

I leaned against the car and we
talked to him for a few minutes...

and I told him
that since he was looking for a job...

and there hadn't been anybody at work...
that if he wanted to stop back
Monday morning...

that sure, he could ride out
and follow me to work...

and he could talk to the boss.
And he would probably get a job.

I told him that I would catch him
Monday morning if he showed up.
