The Thin Blue Line

She comes back in about 25 to 30 minutes...
with a copy of this statement.
I read through it...
and when it was basically what I liked...
yes, I signed it.
He admits driving the car
and taking a right on Inwood Road...

off of Interstate 35...
or Highway 183.
He admits driving it.
After he made his right turn
on Inwood Road...

this is where our statement ends.
He says he does not
remember anything after that.

He didn't remember anything
about a shooting.

He didn't remember anything about
a police officer stopping him.

That part of his mind
just conveniently went blank.

He remembered driving the car...
and he remembered approaching
the scene of the shooting...

and then, from that point, he blacks out...
and can't remember
until he gets to the motel room...

which is some 10 minutes later.
Everything else he remembers vividly.

And that's just a convenient memory
lapse, is all that is.

The Morning News in Dallas County...
stated that I had signed a confession...
that I had confessed
to the killing of Robert Wood...

and they had their killer
and they were ready to go with it.
