Une affaire de femmes

Are you there?
Why's the water yellow?
It's mustard.
Is mustard good for the skin?
It's not for that.
Are you pregnant?
Bernard doesn't want it.
I came for the coffee mill.
It's on the shelf in the kitchen.
He's being sent to work in Germany.
To relieve the prisoners of war.
- He leaves in three days.
- Can't he do anything?

Of course not.
He says...
no one can tell
how long it will last.

He doesn't want...
to make any promises, just in case.
Maybe your husband will come back.
You won't get rid of it that way.
Not with mustard.
- It's raining.
- Take her out.

Or it's school for you.
Come on.
Don't look at me like that.

Don't look at me like that.
And don't come back before lunch.
