Une affaire de femmes

Besides, she had tried everything:
curtain rods, parsley,
umbrella ribs.

And all those poisons.
She told me so herself.

When she died,
her husband couldn't take it.

He threw himself under a train.
The other kids are at my sister's.
It wasn't my first time.
Nothing's ever gone wrong.

Your sister-in-law
couldn't have died because of me.

She must've panicked and gone back
to her old wives' potions.

I told her to come back
if it didn't work.

- Did she owe you money?
- No, it doesn't matter.

Tell me if it's not enough.
If you insist.
Would the children like a drink?
No, thank you.
I don't want them to drink here.

What will you do?
The children have been
hurt enough already.

I don't want them
to know how she died.
