Without a Clue

A mystery to be solved?
You might say that.
There's a little matter
of a gambling debt.

The mystery is
why you ain't paid it.

Gentlemen, you are dealing
with Sherlock Holmes,

a man of honor and character
beyond reproach.

There he is!
That's the bloke
who pinched me bum!

Pardon me! Pardon me!
Excuse me, luv.
- Didn't I say seven o'clock?
- Forgive me for being late.

Is Mr. Holmes with you?
Well, actually, Lord Smithwick,
a short time ago
I received a wire from Holmes

instructing me to
take down the details

and begin the investigation...
without him, as it were.

- What?
- Believe it or not,

I am every bit Holmes's equal
as a detective.

I happen to know that you
recently recovered from an illness,

that you smoke a pipe...
probably rosewood...

and you spent time in China.
This is no time for parlor games.
This is a matter for professionals.
You gotta help me!
There's two big men...

You're back!
So good to see you!

Isn't this a clever disguise?
A drunken lout... very realistic.

This woman said
I pinched her bottom...

Pinched her bum! Ha ha!
Gentlemen... Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
It's good to see the department
is letting you out at night again.
