Without a Clue

I believe that was
the Manchurian Mamba.

Mamba, mambo...
what's the difference?

Very little, other than
one is a deadly poisonous snake,

and the other is
a rather festive Caribbean dance.

It was a night just like any other,
when someone knocked at the door.

I opened it,
and there were these Manchurians

doing this rather festive
Caribbean dance.

Manchurian Mambo...
Steady, Watson.
Just get through it
one more time,

then you're rid of the fellow.
What a pleasant thought.
I feel much better.
Quite euphoric!
...as the snake struck at me,
I danced out of the way.
And if it hadn't been
for my flawless footwork,

I'd be standing here
a dead man today.

What about another drink?
I have to be up early tomorrow,
and I need all my wits about me.

Perhaps just one more.
Holmes, sweet Holmes.
You're not the Hound
of the Baskervilles, you know.

Fresh air... that's what I need.
