But what do you want with me?
The government suspects
that your father has stolen
the printing plates
for the five pound note.
They also believe he is at
the bottom of Lake Windermere,
drowned like a rat.
- Get some water, please.
- Of course.
Sorry for the fright, Miss Giles.
Unfortunately, you fainted
before Holmes could add
that he personally believes your father
not only innocent, but alive.
Holmes believes
your father has been abducted.
Abducted! By whom?
You see, Miss Giles,
your father was described to us
as fanatically neat...
a fact confirmed by
the immaculateness of this very place.
I took the opportunity
to have a look around,
and it is extremely tidy.
One must ask, therefore,
why such a compulsively neat man
would leave an unmade bed,
unless he was snatched
from that very bed.
Oh, dear God.
Then a man posing as your father
was sent to Windermere
where a mock drowning
was staged,
unfortunately costing the life
of an innocent boatman named Ayers,
forcibly drowned.
- Murdered.
- Why?
Why, you ask.
Fill in the details.
Because someone
wanted us to believe
that your father
and the printing plates
were lost at the bottom of the lake.
Thus Scotland Yard and that poor,
misguided fool Lestrade
would foolishly believe
that the case was closed,
leaving the true villain free