Young Guns

- What you doing there, Billy?
- Well sir,

with the sight filed down
I got an eighth of a second drop
on our good sheriff Brady.

Billy, we can't touch the sheriff.
Dick said so, you know that.

Besides, we can't keep this up.
Yeah. Well, Dick
ain't around anymore, is he, Charley?

And right now sheriff
Brady's in desperate need

of being removed from office.
We're not going after Brady,
nor Murphy men, no more.

I told you I would find the way,
and the way is west.

West, huh?
West is that way,
and the bastards we gotta kill
are that way.

The only bastards who are gonna
get killed are us, chivato. Let it go.

Let it go?
Murphy's taking inventory
in Tunstall's store right now

and you're saying
that means nothing to you?

It means nothing to me?
Murphy and his politicians
have taken more blood from me

- than they ever will from you.
- Oh yeah?

- How do you figure?
- The Red Sands Creek Reservation.

- What's he talking about?
- I don't know.

207 people butchered in the snow
with their stomachs empty.

My mother's people.
You see, Murphy and company
was under government contract

to supply us with beef
and two winters ago

he sent only rotten meat.
No corn, no flour,

only rancid beef
crawling with worms.

So I went out
with a band in the night

to the traders' camp
to try and get food.

Oh yeah, they welcomed us in,
and then they opened fire on us.
I got away, only me.
