
If you were...
...putting your life on the line
for another life...

...anybody's life.
I love you, Pete.
But I'm not enjoying it.
Every time you take off...
...I wait for the phone to ring.
I go to bed sick and I get up scared.
I don't like being sick inside all the time.
Do think I like being afraid
that you won't come back.

...I have an idea. Bear with me a second.
Keep an open mind
because it is a pretty radical idea.

Al told me about a training school
in Flat Rock, Colorado.

They need a commanding officer
and I was wondering...

...why don't I take you to Colorado
and you could be my girl...

...and I could teach those geeks
to fight fires.

You know, put out a cigar at 200 feet
and I'd come home every night...

...and we'd have an apartment
with a microwave oven.

Don't answer it.
I won't.
It's not my phone.
Hi, Al.
No, because it is my day off.
Get yourself another pilot.
I'm hanging up my spurs.

That's right.
Yes, she's a great girl, isn't she?
