
It feels good to tell somebody that.
Thank you.

Well, I think I'll just...
...come in again.
Rachel, what about your drink?
He's bringing your drink.

I don't think I've ever come across
this particular technique before.

First approach,
this is Cessna skymaster 5-2-1-0 Kilo.

Roger, 1-0 Kilo.
Squawk 0-2-4-7, maintain 5,500.
say again.
-1-0 Kilo...

Honey bunny?
Too-Many-Quarter-Pounders, is that you?
Lamb chop, what are you doing here?
Request immediate rendezvous
upon landing.

I'm Julia Child.
Today we're going to make
a holiday feast or...

...le fĂȘte d'holiday.
We're going to start with
half-boned chicken or poularde...

...demi des Français.
To bone the chicken...
:56:37 need a very sharp knife.
You can't do nothing
without a very sharp knife.

Now I've done it.
I cut the dickens out of my finger.

I'm glad in a way this happened.
Accidents do occur
from time to time in the kitchen.

Have you been here long, kid?
Been here long?
