Back to the Future Part II

Holy shit!
Drying mode on.
Jacket drying.
Your jacket is now dry.
Hey, kid. Hey, little girl, thanks.
Keep it. I got a Pit Bull now.
Come on.
Save the clock tower!

Throw in $100
and help save the clock tower.

Sorry, no.
- That's an important historical landmark!
- Some other time.

Lightning struck that thing 60 years ago.
Wait a minute.
Cubs win World Series...

- Against Miami?
- Yeah, it's something, huh?

Who would've thought? 100-1 shot!
I wish I could go back
to the beginning of the season...

:21:16 on the Cubs.
- I just meant Miami...

What did you just say?
I wish I could go back to the beginning
of the season, bet on the Cubbies!

This has an interesting feature.
It has a dust jacket.

Books had these to protect the covers.
That was before dust-repellent paper.
If you're interested in dust,
we have something from the 1980s...

...called a Dustbuster.
I can't lose.
Up here!

- Doc, what's going on?
- Stand by. I'll park over there.

Yeah, all right.
Hey, right on time.
