
Now that's good work.
The skulls, the bodies.
You give it such a glow.
I don't know if it's art, but I like it.

Let me tell you what I'm thinking about.
I was in the bath one day...
...when I realized
why I was destined for greatness.

You know how concerned
people are about appearances.

This is attractive, that is not.
That is all behind me.
I now do what other people only dream.

I make art... until someone dies.
I am the world's first
fully-functioning homicidal artist.

What do you want?
My face on the one-dollar bill.
[Vicki sighs]
You're joking.
Do I look like I'm joking?
We mustn't compare ourselves
to regular people. We're artists.

JOKER: For instance, let me challenge you
with a piece I did.

Bob. Alicia.
You will photograph and record my work.
You will join me in the avant-garde
of the new aesthetic.

ALICIA: Jack, you said I could watch you
improve the paintings.

I'm in trouble now.
VICKI: Why is she wearing a mask?
She's just a sketch, really.
Alicia, sit down. Show the lady
why you wear this mask.

Alicia's been made over in line
with my new philosophy.

So now, like me...
...she is a living work of art.
I'm no Picasso, but... do you like it?
It's great.
So... what can I do for you?
