Born on the Fourth of July

and you can stuff it up your ass,''
he said.

That's what it's
about in Vietnam.

Hey, Mel!
Double shot of rye,

beer chaser,

They ain't fighting
the war to win, anyway.

They should
just bomb Hanoi

and get the boys
the fuck out of there.

Four corner hard way.
They ought
to write a song

about something
that gets under your skin.

Remember Del Shannon?
As I walk along
I wonder what went wrong
To our love
A love that was so strong
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
I'll tell you
what went wrong

It was fucking Vietnam
It was the wrong fucking war.
Timmy, it was
the wrong fucking war.

Take a shot, will you?
You can take
your Vietnam,

and you can shove it
up yo' fuckin' ass!

You shove it
up your ass, pal.

Is everybody
supposed to feel sorry

because you're in
a fucking wheelchair?

You ain't the only
fucking Marine here.

I was on Iwo Jima.
We lost 5,000 men
the first day.

Don't cry in your
fucking beer to me.

Now, you served
and you lost.

You got to live
with it.

You're a Marine, man.
Semper fi.
Picked them.
They didn't pick you.

Quit your fucking
pissing and moaning.

Timmy, Timmy,
who is this asshole?

I don't know.
Leave it alone.

I think guys...
like you...
are dumb fucking assholes.
That's what I think.
I bet you do, you sorry
son of a bitch.

'Cause you know
if they win,

if they win it,
you'll be the first
against the wall.

You know you can't trust
a fucking traitor.

Call me a fucking traitor?
If you weren't
in that chair...

I am in this chair!
Top of the ninth,

Shut the fuck up.
