Born on the Fourth of July

Who's going
to love me, Dad?

Who's ever
going to love me?

Who's going to love me?
Hey, you maggots,
ante up 5 American.

Let's go. Ante up.
Ed, you're light.
The game
is seven-card stud,

one up, two down.
One up, two down.
We got a 5, a jack.

That's a fucking joker, a king.
The price of poker
just went up, gentlemen.

Charlie buys a queen.
Charlie, puppy.
Two down, two down.
Hey, big blue eyes,
what's your name?

What's that?
What's your name?
Ron Kovic.
Just what we need.
Another limp dick.

Where from?
Long Island.

Guys, say hello
to Ron Kovic.

Just in from the States.
Hi, Ron.
Laugh, motherfucker.
You'll get yours.

Fuck you.
Put your hand
right there, baby.

What's your name?
from Chicago.

How long has this game
been going on?

55 hours.
How long
have you been here?

A hundred fucking years.
'Cause I got a gun.
I ain't ever going back.
Fuck the States.

Nobody understood.
Nobody gave a shit.
