Casualties of War

Where we gonna go?
The lieutenant will brief me.
I'll brief you guys, 2100.

We're out of here
at 0600.

- We're off till then?
- Yeah.

Sarge, we're gonna take a shower.
What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna go into town and get laid.
What do you hear
about Brownie?

He's dead.
This place is bullshit.
I hate this fucking place.

- They ought to blow it up and pave...
- Fucking-A.

Brownie could make me laugh, man.
And I like to fucking laugh.
You know...
...I never knew a far-out spade dude
like Brownie before Brownie.

They shouldn't make you hump the
boonies when you're short.

They should send you home.
You'd be short when you were close
to where you didn't have to go.

- So what?
- So nobody'd want to go.

I don't want to go now.
They keep moving it back.
Pretty soon they wouldn't
send anybody here.

What's wrong with that?
What I'm saying is these fucking gooks
are shit, man!

They're lowlifes!
Every motherfucker in that ville.
Every man, woman and child knew
about the fucking mortars.

They knew about the snipers,
and they just let them zap Brownie.

They're slugs.
They're roaches, and total destruction
is the only way to deal with them.
