
So they drove
to a shopping mall...

and parked in back
of a supermarket...

behind a Dumpster...
in our car that I make payments on
by sweating my ass off...

so she can sweat her ass off
inside it.

That car was rocking like
an out-of-whack washing machine.

- I went crazy.
- Are you getting this down. Maria?

- Yes. I am. Mr. Bergman.
- Okay.

I decided to kill her...
but I couldn't.
I love her.
So I shaved her head.
And now see if he wants her.
That is why your wife is suing you
for divorce. Mr. Dionne.

Love is shit.
Marriage is shit.
You know. I'm sitting here
listening to you editorialize...

Fuck you. Moneybags.
That's my favorite part.
Here we go.

All right.

happy. Happy. Happy.
No. No. We're doing
the cha-cha here.

- Sorry.
- Remember. Ladies...

it's okay to smile.
especially at my jokes.

Ready. And...
cha-cha-cha. Swivel. Swivel...
forward. Back. Forward.
I can't even say it right.
Hit him. Maggie. If he does that right.

Let's do it again.
Ready. And...

cha-cha-cha. Swivel. Swivel...
forward. Cross. Forward.
Who's leading here?
That's all right. You lead.

You're doing a good job.
I want these suspenders.

Ready. And...
cha-cha-cha. Swivel. Swivel...
