
- Open up.
- Go away.

Come on. Let me in.
Please. Leave me alone.
You bought him those terrible
boxer shorts. Didn't you?

I didn't mean anything by it.
It was just a joke.

Tom said you were having an affair.
but I didn't believe him...

until I saw the way
you looked at each other.

We're not having an affair.
We have been playing a little game
to get back at you and Tom.

It's just gone too far.
I'm sorry.

She's so nice.
She's so nice.
- Go get us some ice cream.
- But I don't want to miss anything.

- Ice cream!
- Please get us some ice cream. Mitch.

Don't talk to him like that.
Tish. Wait a minute.
- Son?
- What?

- Are you bedding that woman?
- Tish?

I hope you're bedding your own wife.
No. The other one. Maria.

- No. Pop. I'm not.
- You sure as hell act like it.

- Both of you.
- Well. I'm not. We're just friends.

Well. Then.
get your house in order.

Pop. If you don't stop
bossing people around...

You know that tall building over there?
It's called the Hilton.

Tish. Come on. Sweetheart.
Tish. Come on.
You're making a big deal out of nothing.

Tish. Open up.
Come on. Sweetheart.
You're not doing anything
stupid in there. Are you?

We haven't seen this outfit
for a while. Have we?

You're sure you don't want to
talk about this. Huh?

Guess not.
Phil? Oh. God.
