Do the Right Thing

Come on?
What the fuck's the matter?
Vito, I wantyou to listen to me?
I'm your brother?
I smackyou around
once in a while,

but I'm still?? Your brother?
So what, Pino?
So fucking what?
I loveyou, man?
I'm listening?
I'm listening?

I wantyou to listen?
Jesus Christ, Pino?
I said I'm listening?
Vito, black?? White? No?
No, no, no? No?
What the hell
you talking about?

Areyou listening to me?
Stop busting my balls?
I said I'm listening?
Mookie's not to be trusted?
I trust him, Pino?
They can't be trusted?
First timeyou turn your back??
Boom? Aah!
The spear in the back?
How doyou know this?
How doyou know, man?
I know? I read?
I never seen you read nothing
in your fucking life?
Read your history?
It's historical?
He, them??
They're not to be trusted?

What do you want me to do?
Be on fucking guard?
Mookie has Pop conned,
so we got to look out for him?
You don't know
whatyou're saying?

That's exactlywhat I'm saying?
Vito! Pino! Let's go!

We'll be right there, Pop?
One minute?
You better listen to what I say?
I'll ripyou?
I'll fuckyou up?

You know something, Pino?
You don't know everything
you thinkyou know?

You thinkyou know,
butyou don't know?

Mookie, he listens to me?
You don't, man?

You fucking don't?
You'll fucking stab me
in the back, man?

[Rap Music Blares]
