Driving Miss Daisy

Mama, cars don't behave.
They are behaved upon.

You demoIished that ChrysIer by yourseIf.
Think what you want. I know the truth.
The truth is you just cost
the insurance company $2,700.

You're a terribIe risk.
Nobody wiII issue you a poIicy now.
You're just saying that to be hatefuI.
Okay. Yes, I am. I am making it aII up.
Look out on the driveway!
Every insurance company in America
is out there...

...waving their pens
trying to get you to sign up.

If you're going to stand in my pantry
and Iie Iike a rug, go somewhere eIse.

I better get back to the office.
FIorine wiII have a fit
if I don't get home on time tonight.

You aII must have pIans tonight.
The AnsIeys' dinner party.
This is her idea of heaven on earth.
SociaIizing with EpiscopaIians.
You are a doodIe, Mama!
I'II stop by tomorrow evening.
How do you know I'II be here?
I'm not dependent on you for company.
Fine, I'II caII first.
But you know, we have got
some reaI serious taIking to do.

I need you now. I have to be
at the beauty shop in haIf an hour.

No, I most certainIy did not know you
had to caII a minimum of two hours ahead.
