Driving Miss Daisy

I guess you know who this is.
I'II be right back.
I wouIdn't be in your shoes...
...if the sweet Lord Jesus came down
and asked me HimseIf.

'Morning, Mama.
Just come down and say heIIo.
You Iisten here.
UnIess they rewrote the Constitution
and didn't teII me, I stiII have rights!

Of course.
What I do not want,
and absoIuteIy wiII not have, is...

...some chauffeur sitting in my kitchen,
gobbIing up my food, using my phone.

I'd hate that in my house.
You have IdeIIa.
IdeIIa's different!
She's been coming to me for years.

We stay out of each other's way.
Even so,
there are chips in my wedding china.

You think IdeIIa has a vendetta
against your wedding china?

Don't be sassy.
When we couIdn't afford them,
we did for ourseIves.

That's stiII the best way.
''Them?'' ''Afford them?''
You sound Iike Governor TaImadge.

What a thing to say! I'm not prejudiced!
Aren't you ashamed?
You might as weII make the best of it.
