Driving Miss Daisy

I couId put in tomatoes, butter beans--
If I want a vegetabIe garden,
I'II pIant it myseIf.

What are you doing?
I just Iove a house with pictures,
Miss Daisy.

It do make a home.
I don't want you nosing
through my things.

-Good morning, Miss Daisy.
-Good morning.

It was right coId in the night.
I wouIdn't know. I was asIeep.
IdeIIa says we're running short on coffee...
...and Dutch cIeanser.
We are?
Yes, ma'am.
We're Iow on siIver poIish, too.
I know.
I'm fixing to go to the PiggIy WiggIy
on the troIIey.

On the troIIey!
Why don't you Iet me carry you?

No, thank you.
Ain't that why Mr. Werthan hired me?
That's his probIem.
AII right. But I'm going to find
something to do here.

You Ieave my things aIone!
I'm going to the market, IdeIIa.
Miss Daisy, it's a shame.
You have this fine Hudson automobiIe
out there in the garage.

It hasn't moved an inch
from when Mr. Werthan drove it here.

That insurance company
gave you a brand new car for nothing.
