Enemies: A Love Story

But I couldn't touch him.
If you don't like Florida,
he also has a home in California.

You can work for him too.
- He's as good as
an ángel from heaven.
- I can't leave Yadwiga.

She's pregnant.
She could go into labor any day.

- And after she gives birth,
you'll have other excuses.
- Oh, Masha.

I've made up my mind. Tomorrow
I'm flying to California...

- and you will never
hear from me again.
- Please, Masha, no.

- Or have you
come back to Tamara?
- No.

But she's also an ángel.
Introduce her to the rabbi.
Maybe the two angels
will make a new God.

We're both devils.
If you go with her,
you're digging your own grave.

Maybe I would be
better off dead.

But I don't have
the guts to kill myself.

What about Yadwiga?
What about the baby?

God blesses you with a child,
you spit in its face.

This kind of talk is useless.
I can't live
without Masha.

You want three women,
but you always go to the one
who calls you the loudest...

and who is sickest!
She's not your lover,
she's your enemy!

Shh. Look. I will send money
for the baby. I promise.

Every month,
I send money for the baby.

I must go.
It's the end for me, Tamara.

Go on, Herman. Go.
I'll take care of things
with the rabbi.

- Can I help you?
- Yes. I'm looking
for a nice menorah.
