Enemies: A Love Story

- Ohh.
- My mother.

Oh, Herman. Herman.
You know...
I've got in the habit
of sitting down and falling
right off to sleep.

- Did I sleep long?
- She walks around the house
as quiet as a mouse.

There are real mice here.
I can't tell the difference anymore.

You're starting again.
What is burning?

- Masha, I smell
something is burning.
- Nothing is burning, Mama.

She blames me for
everything that happens.

That's right.
The whole worid is-is sane...

- and it's only
your mother that's crazy.
- Don't put words in my mouth.

You listen to how
she's carrying on?

She always has to say
something contrary.

She's just like her father.
May he rest in peace
in the Garden of Eden.

Masha? Masha?
It's her fault, you know. It's all
her fault. She wouldn't let me die.

I thought she was dead too.
And then one day, she finds me.

The next day, she's already
talking back to me.

Then she marries this man,
this Leon Tortshiner.

Oy. Is that a charlatan!
You know, my daughter, she can
read the most difficult books.

When it comes to people,
she doesn't know her hands
from her feet.

Now look. She's left sitting here,
a deserted wife.

If I want to get married,
I won't wait for a divorce.

Oh... What is
happening with that stove?
