Enemies: A Love Story

I'll give you
one minute to answer.

- You're asking me...
- One minute.

You're asking me to break the law.
I would be afraid of every policeman.

- You're afraid anyhow.
- That's right. That's right.

- Answer me!
- I told you, yes! Yes!

But our baby would be a bastard
anyway, according to theJewish law.

It was conceived
before the divorce.

Jewish law
and all the other laws...

mean as much to me
as last year's frost.

I'm only doing it
for my mother.

I've wanted your child
since the day we met.

- Herman.
- I'm marrying again.

A third wife? Who?
I thought she already
had a husband.

She's divorcing him.
She's pregnant.

Well, congratulations.
You're going to be a father again.

- I'm going crazy. That's the truth.
- Were you always like this?

Or did the war do it?
I can't remember what kind
of person you used to be.

I can't believe you've come to
me under these circumstances.

Tamara, please.
My head is exploding.

Come in. I'll get you
something to eat.
