Enemies: A Love Story

Three? Three men?
I didn't know you were alive.
I assumed if you were,
you'd be doing the same thing.

Well, then you're a whore.
Didn't I tell you?
- Herman?
- What?

Herman, wake up.
- Herman?
- Mm.

There was no one.
Not one man.
Not three men.
Not even half a man.
- You're lying.
- No.

Over there...
women gave themselves
to men they hardly knew.

But whenever someone
tried to get close to me...

I always saw the faces
of our children before me!

Oh, God. Oh, God!
Oh, God, Herman!
Oh, God!
I bake special
New Year challah.

I make carp's head
like I'm supposed to.

Then he calls and says
he cannot be there...

he must sell...
Encyclopedia Britannica.

What is
Encyclopedia Britannica?

And now he says he must go
to Indiana. What is Indiana?

What is Indiana?
"What is alimony," is what
you should be asking.

- You need a lawyer.
- Yadwiga.
