Family Business

You're looking good, Adam. These fancy
schools must be agreeing with you.

MIT's not fancy.
And they don't, Jessie.

They really don't agree with me at all.
Last night in the bar,
did that cop land the first punch?

Adam, I've never been
in a bar fight yet...

...where the other guy landed the first
punch. It's a sure recipe for losing.

- So when did you get back in town?
- I left school in January.

I was this far away from getting
my master's in molecular biology.

- And your old man's paying for all this?
- No way. I'm on full scholarship.

I was a Westinghouse Scholar.
It's a big deal.
They only have six each year.

I hated it. It felt worse than that cell.
They've got your whole life
mapped out for you.

You don't know the half of it.
I would have had my own lab...

...terrific salary, the works.
They were already talking to me
about a retirement plan.

I've been living with a girl
up on 23rd Street. An older girl.

Nothing wrong with an older woman.
For a young man.

My mother's okay. Vito tries,
but he makes me feel guilty.

- Your father can be pretty good at that.
- Hey, Jess.

Hi, Phil. Say hello to Adam,
my grandson.

- Vito's boy.
- Hi, Phil.

I remember you. What've you
been doing with yourself lately?

Finding myself.
Well, I hope you've been
getting laid in the process.

- What do you got?
- Ferragamos.

300 a pair all along Madison Avenue,
fell off a truck this morning.

- Fifty dollars a pair. 13C?
- Right.

- You got it.
- What do you take?

- 91 l2C.
- No problem.

- There you go.
- Thanks.

Say hello to your father for me.
Me and him used to cut a lot of corners
when we were kids. Take it easy.

Not in the bar, bad luck.
You can get trees for them.
