Fat Man and Little Boy

Kathleen? God!
Come on, come on, sweetheart.
- You simply can't be here, sweetheart.
- I had to be with him.

I wanted to tell him I love him,
because he's going to die.

Detonation relays four open.
Well, it's armed.
- Now it's up to the bunker.
- Let's get down from here.

Well, I've always believed
that the Lord was on our side.

And I think now we're gonna prove it.
- Must be from the military base.
- Enrico, what do you bet on the yield?

I bet we set fire to the atmosphere.
If we're lucky,
we only wipe out New Mexico.

If we can ignite the air,
we finish off the planet. Any takers?

I kind of hope the damn thing
doesn't go off.

What the hell is that?
It's The Nutcracker Suite.
I can't get rid of it.
- Go to six-five.
- Six-five.

- OK, try seven.
- Seven.
