Field of Dreams

I know a lot about farming.
More than you think.

Well, then how could you plow
under your major crop?

What's a crop?
-Come on. That is funny.
-"What's a crop?"

-Daddy, the baseball game is on.
-Excuse us.

Excuse us.
Annie, I don't believe this guy.
I'm trying to bail him out,
and he leaves to watch television.

-He used to be so normal.

Hoy! Hoy! Hoy!
All right!
Watch Joe's feet.
A good left fielder
knows what pitch is coming.

He can tell from the bat's angle
which way the ball's heading.

-Show off!
-Stick it in your ear, Gandil.

If you'd have run like that against Detroit,
I'd have won 20 games that year!

For Pete's sakes, Cicotte,
that was 68 years ago. Give it up!

Hey! You guys want to play ball or what?
