Ghostbusters 2

It Went into the middle of traffic.
I Went running after it, -

- and then it just suddenly stopped .
Did anyone else see it?
Sure, hundreds of people.
Egon , I didn't imagine it.

In science We look
for simple explanations.

- We're ready.
- Start With negative calibrations.

What are you Working on?
I'm trying to determine Whether
emotions effect the environment.

- Can they see us?
- No. They think it's counselling .

I've been increasing the temperature
gradually. It's 95 degrees noW.

My assistant just asked them
to Wait another half hour.

Very good . Very nice.
- What do you think?
- Excellent. Do the happiness index.

- I mean , about the carriage.
- Can I bring Ray in on this?

Sure, Whatever you think.
But not Venkman .

Do you ever see him?
HoW is he these days?

He Was borderline for a While.
Then he crossed the border.

- Does he ever mention me?
- No.

We didn't part on very good terms.
Then We lost track of each other
after I got married .

Ready for the affection test.
I thought of contacting him
When my marriage ended , but . . .

Isn't that sWeet?
