Ghostbusters 2

- It could eat somebody's hand .
- We'd put a Warning label on it . . .

You Went for it!
The old man-eating toaster bit.

- I'm looking for Dana Barrett.
- Room 304. Restoration .

Dr. Venkman ! "World of the Psychic."
I'm a big fan of yours.
- It's one of my tWo favourites.
- What's the other one?

- "Bass Masters." A fishing shoW.
- Yeah , I knoW.

- You're good , pretty eyes.
- I didn't paint it. It's a Gauguin .

- I've heard of him .
- Aren't you going to introduce us?

Peter Venkman , this is Dr. Poha,
the head of our department.

I have seen you on TV.
You're not here on business, I hope.

It's top secret.
You have a Gauguin , too!

I'm preparing it
for the neW romantic exhibition .

Prince Vigo.
Ruler of Carpathia and Moldavia.

- A bit of a sissy, isn't he?
- He Was a very poWerful magician .
