Ghostbusters 2

I have neW cheap moves.
Hey, you . Hey, you .
It looks like you're aWake.

Yes, Oscar. You're gonna have
the Whole place to yourself tonight.

I've got some Laura Antonelli tapes
you can Watch .

- Did you see some shirts here?
- I put them in the hamper.

- I have a hamper?
- Yeah , it's in the bathroom .

- Tell me first, next time.
- I thought they Were dirty.

There's not just clean and dirty.
There are many subtle levels.

You hang this outside
for 20 minutes, it's perfectly fine.

Interesting role model for you .
They couldn't get to you
until after the neW year.

Just don't go in there.
Louis, I'm closing up!
Should I take the subWay
or the surface roads?

- I'm Walking . Goodnight!
- Well , noW. Hang on noW.

Do you maybe Want to . .?
No . . .

Do you Want to have
something to eat With me?

I'd love that,
but I told Dr. Venkman I'd baby-sit.

- Do you Want to baby-sit With me?
- Okay, I Would .

- Great. His place at eight.
- I can get his address from the W2 .

We Were right.
Multi-Planar Kerlian emanations.
