Ghostbusters II

Stay away from the mayor.
He"s running for governor.

He doesn"t need
to be associated with frauds.

l"m a voter. Aren"t you supposed
to lie to me and kiss my butt?

l want you to put the Vigo
under the arch.

Everything you"re doing is bad.
l want you to know this.

Be careful.
No one listens to me.

Dana, how are you doing?
Fine. The mixture you gave me
is working well.

l make good cocktails, don"t l?
You"re doing really quite good work.

You"ll soon be able to assist me
in more important restorations.

- Just a white thing.
- Thank you, Dr. Poha ... Janosz.

Now that my baby is older,
l"m going back to the orchestra.

l"m sorry to hear that you will not
be here. Could l say goodbye?

- Maybe bring you to a brunch today?
- l have an appointment today.

Every day l ask you to do something.
- Do l have bad breath?
- Of course not.

Well, l"ll give you a rain check.
l think that she likes me.
l truly do.

Berlin, 1939, a flower cart took off
by itself. Rolled half a kilometre.
