Ghostbusters II

lf you live in a place, you don"t
want anything bad to happen. What?

lt"ll never happen again.
lt"s a one-shot deal.

- He"s leading the witness.
- Sustained.

- Give me a break.
- Mr. Tully.

Do you have any questions that
may have some bearing on this case?

- We"ve helped them out enough.
- No, Your Honour. Your witness.

Dr. Venkman,
would you please tell the court -

- why you and your co-defendants
dug a big hole in First Avenue?

There"s so many,
we didn"t think anyone would notice.

- l"m going to find you in contempt.
- l"m truly sorry.

l"ll ask again.
Why were you digging the hole?

There are some things that go
way beyond human understanding.

Things that people don"t want to
know about. That"s where we come in.

ls the world of the supernatural
your exclusive province?

Sometimes shit happens,
someone has to deal with it, -

- and who are you gonna call?
Peter Venkman, Raymond Stanz,
Egon Spengler, stand up!

You too, Mr. Tully.
l find you guilty on all charges
and fine you $25,000 each.

l sentence you to 18 months
in the city correctional f acility.

- She"s twitching.
- l"m not finished!

- There"s no place for f akes ...
- Your Honour ...

- Shut up! Tricksters like you ...
- This is important.
