
For they´re collecting such a force
here that an attack would be insane:

The Massachusetts men
passed through this morning:

How grand it is to meet the men
from all the states:::

:::ready to fight for their country:::
:::as the old fellows did
in the Revolution:

But this time we must make it
a whole country:::

::: for all who live here,
so that all can speak:

Before this war began:::
:::many of my regiment
had never seen a Negro:

But now the roads are choked
with the dispossessed:

We fight for men and women
whose poetry is not yet written:::

:::but which will presently be
as enviable and as renowned as any:

Last night we heard
of yet another defeat:::

:::but we are not disheartened:
I am honoured to be part
of such a splendid company:

They have made me captain,
of which I am enormously proud:

You would think it strange
to see me giving orders to 100 men:::

:::most of whom are older than I am:
Thank you for sending
my volume of Emerson:

His words come home to me like truth:
´´A deep man, ´´ he says, ´´believes
that the evil eye can wither:::

::: that the heart´s
blessing can heal:::

:::and that love
can overcome all odds: ´´

My dearest love to Father:
Your son, Robert:
