
He´s not a very good soldier.
I´m getting these men
ready for battle.

They already march well.
They´re disciplined.

No thanks to you.
-I beg your pardon?
-You heard me.

Who do you think you are,
acting the high-up colonel?

You seem to forget I know you.
And so does Thomas.
If you don´t believe
in what we´re doing here...

:34:36 shouldn´t be a part of it.
A part of what?
´´ Left, right, left!? Little finger
along the seams of your trousers!?´´

Marching is probably
all they´ll ever get to do.

It is my job to get these men ready.
And I will.
They have risked their lives to be here.
They have given up their freedom.

I owe them as much as they have given.
I owe them my freedom...

:35:09 life, if necessary.
Maybe so do you, Cabot.
I think you do.
Develop! Guard! Thrust!
Develop! Guard! Thrust!
Develop! Guard!
You´re not in dancing school, son.
Take his head off!

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
What have we here?

Bonnie Prince Charlie
and his little toy bayonet.

You´re not reading your books now.
Go on, go on. Get over there.

-Now stab me.

Stab me.
Come on, stab, not tickle.
Hit me.
Come on.
You prissy little schoolgirl!
