Harlem Nights

Ray, would you mind
if I take a box of chocolate hearts?

- lt's my wife's birthday.
- Help yourself. Anyhing you want.

Round everyone up.
Be at my house in an hour.

We can't let him come here
and do this. Don't run from him.

We've got to, but before we do
we're going to kick him in the nuts.

Calhoune can kiss my ass. I won't
give him shit. We ought to relocate.

A lot of you got families
and can't easily relocate.

From your complaints, I know you can't
live on a third of what you earn now.

I have a plan
where we can all make heavy money.

If everything works out the way I plan,
you'll have $50,000 each.

With that, you can relocate.
Go legit if you want to,
open your own business.

How are we going
to make $50,000 each?

Everybody knows
the big fight is this week.

There will be 3/4 of a million dollars
in the booking houses by Friday.

Calhoune's going to make
a lot of money.

He owns all the booking houses
except ours.

How do we make $50,000?
We'll rob Bugsy Calhoune.
We can't stand up to him,
so how can we rob him?

If everything goes the way I plan,
we'll be gone
before he realises he's been hit.

We've got to get cash
and put it on that white boy to win.

- Jenkins will kill that boy.
- Exactly.

Calhoune knows we know Jenkins so
if he sees us betting on the white boy,
