Harlem Nights

- Quick's pulled up in a cab.
- What's he doing in a cab?

- You in a cab? That ain't your style.
- I had a little fender bender.

- Are you all right?
- I need a second to collect myself.

What did you learn about
Calhoune's girlfriend?

I don't know what I just found out.
How are we going with everything else?

Sugar... Right.
Thanks, man. l'll get back to you.
The same gentleman is doing
the pick-up this year, Mr Richie Vento.

Vera, I want you
to put somebody on him.

- All right.
- You got a girl who can turn him out?

I have got a girl
whose pussy is so good,

if you threw it up in the air,
it would turn into sunshine.

- I don't want to meet her.
- I do.

Put her on him.
Yeah. Who is it?
Just a moment.
Dominique La Rue.
That voodoo bitch.
I can meet with you.
Just you, right?

Give me a half hour. Yeah.
Do come in, Mr Quick.
Very nice. Very impressive.
Very impressive.
