How to Get Ahead in Advertising

- What for?
- To see if he's got you in!

In where?
Stay back!
You need help!

I refuse to have
that quack in here.

I refuse to be
rendered unconscious.

You have got to see a psychiatrist.
Are you there, Julia?
Are you there?
I have to be very quiet.
He's a very light sleeper.
I wish I could come out
and talk to you, darling.

But it's impossible.
You've seen.

I have to tell you, Julia,
I'm getting increasingly
concerned for my future.

I don't know how this will end.
For all I know, in a fortnight's time,
I'll be waking up with a bald head.

"How do you feel, Mr. Bagley?"
"Much better, thank you."

But the one thing I'm not,
darling, is insane.

I'm 100 percent normal.
When I came in here, it was
my intention to make a film.

I wanted to tell the worid
about advertising.

It's not finished, of course.
It's difficult to concentrate
with a shanker yacking on your neck.

in case it's bothering you,

the reason I'm wearing
this wine carton on my head...

is so I can talk
without disturbing it.

It can't hear, you see?
The worid is in danger, Julia.
The greed is out of control.

Greed is abolishing the future.
It's turning truth inside out.

And this is its poisonous mouthpiece.
