Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

It doesn't reveal the Grail's location,
but the knight promised
that two markers would.

This tablet is one of those markers.
It proves the knight's story is true,
but it's incomplete.

The second marker is
in his dead brother's tomb.

Our project leader believes that tomb
is located in Venice, ltaly.

As you can now see,
we're about to complete a great quest

that began almost
two thousand years ago.

We're only one step away.
That's usually when the ground
falls out from under you.

You could be more right
than you know.

We've hit a snag.
Our project leader has vanished,
along with all his research.

His colleague, Dr Schneider,
has no idea of his whereabouts.

I want you to pick up the trail
where he left off.

Find the man,
and you will find the Grail.

You've got the wrong Jones,
Mr Donovan.

- Why don't you try my father?
- We already have.

Your father is the man
who's disappeared.

Your father and I
have been friends for years,

He's an academic, not a field man. Dad?
Dear God!
What's the old fool got himself into now?
I don't know, but whatever it is,
he's in over his head.

It's today's mail, and it's been opened.
